diesel tech classAdd, Drop, or Withdraw from Classes

You can add and drop classes for a limited time at the beginning of each quarter.

To add or withdraw officially from a class, you must complete and submit a Registration Form (pdf) form to the Enrollment Services Office in person on the second floor of the TransAlta Commons building or emailing it to admissionsCC@centralia.edu.


  • Adding and dropping classes are serious steps. Consult with your advisor before doing so.
  • Check with your funding source to find out how adding or dropping classes will affect your aid. If you are receiving financial aid and/or scholarships, consult with the Financial AidOffice.
  • If you stop attending class, you will NOT be dropped or withdrawn automatically. You must withdraw officially. To do so, you must complete and submit a Registration Form (pdf) form to the Enrollment Services Office. If you do not, you may receive a failing grade in your class.
  • You are required to pay for any classes for which you register. Refunds are available for a limited time at the beginning of each quarter.



TransAlta Commons, Second Floor
360-623-8976 - Centralia Campus
701 Airport Way - CCEast (Morton) Campus
360-496-5022 - CCEast (Morton)
360-330-7112 - Fax