Student Complaints at Centralia College

Occasionally, students may have a complaint about a faculty member, librarian, advisor, counselor, or instructional program. Use this process to have your complaint heard.


If your complaint is about sexual harassment or illegal discrimination, there is a process that is different from this one. To get information about the discrimination/sexual harassment complaint process, contact the Human Resources Office, the Advising/Counseling Center, or any administrative office. 

Important Considerations 

  • Teaching and learning are complex processes. The expectations for each may not always be communicated clearly or understood completely.
  • Most people try to do the best job they can. Assume people have the best intentions.
  • It is natural for people to have different ideas, opinions, or expectations.
  • Most differences are resolved by in-person communications that are courteous and respectful.
  • Think about what would be a reasonable solution for all parties.
  • If you have questions about this process, talk to someone like a counselor, advisor or other faculty or staff members.
  • Most differences are resolvable at Step 1.
  • Be open to alternate solutions.


Concerns About Faculty Members (Teachers)

If you have a concern or complaint about a faculty member or an instructional program, use this process. 

Talk directly to the faculty member involved. If this is hard for you, you may bring someone with you. Make an appointment, and if you are bringing someone with you, let the faculty member know this. 

In the unlikely event that your meeting does not solve your concern, write a letter to the faculty member’s immediate administrator. This will be the dean listed in the chart below.

In your letter describe the situation, provide dates and times, give examples, and provide documents. The administrator that receives your letter will send a copy of your letter to the faculty member.

The administrator will send you and the faculty member a written response within 15 contract days after receiving your letter. (The administrator may request to meet with you, first.) 

The Dean of Arts & Sciences oversees faculty members in the following disciplines:

  • English
  • Criminal Justice
  • Fine Arts
  • Communications
  • Performing Arts
  • Literature
  • Foreign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Science
  • Agriculture
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Geology
  • Oceanography
  • Physics
  • Anthropology
  • History
  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

The Dean of Transitional Educaiton & CCEast (Morton) oversees faculty members in the following areas:

  • Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) - Developmental English, Mathematics, Reading
  • English Language Acquisition (ELA)
  • High School Completion (HS21+)
  • I-BEST
  • Intensive English Programs (IEP)
  • Centralia College East

The Dean of Business, Teacher Education, Early Learning, and Behavioral Healthcare oversees faculty members in the following areas:

  • Business Administration
  • Business Technology
  • Accounting
  • Bachelor of Applied Science - Applied Management
  • Bachelor of Applied Science - Behavioral Healthcare
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Applied Science - Teacher Education
  • Parent Education
  • Child Care
  • Testing
  • eLearning

The Dean of Industrial & Healthcare Programs oversees faculty members in the following areas:

  • Diesel Technology
  • Bachelor of Applied Science – Diesel Technology
  • Electronics, Robotics, and Automation
  • Mechatronics
  • Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Applied Science – Information Technology
  • Power Plant Operations
  • Welding
  • Medical Assistant
  • Chemical Dependency
  • Nursing Assistant Certified
  • Phlebotomy
  • PE
  • Health
  • Continuing and Community Education
  • Senior College
  • Contract Training
  • Certification Training
The Director of Library Services oversees faculty librarians.
Complaints against faculty counselors can be referred to the Director of Student Success and Retention Programs.
The Director of Nursing oversees faculty members in the nursing program.

If you wish to appeal the decision of the first administrator, you have five contract days after you receive your written response. Write a formal letter of appeal to the appropriate vice president. For all instructors regardless of area and library faculty members, the appeal letter will go to the Vice President of Instruction. For counselors, the appeal letter will go the Vice President of Student Services. Include all the materials you sent and received in Step 2.

Include all the materials you sent and received in Step 2. The vice president will send you and the faculty member a written response within 15 contract days after receiving your letter. 

If you wish to appeal the decisions of the vice president, you have five contract days after you receive your written response. Write a formal letter of appeal to the president. Include all the materials you sent and received in Step 3. The president will send you and the faculty member a written response within 15 contract days after receiving your letter. The decision of the president is final. 


Concerns About Staff & Adminstrators

If you have a concern or complaint about a staff member or a college program, use this process. 

Talk directly to the staff member involved. If this is hard for you, you may bring someone with you. Make an appointment, and if you are bringing someone with you, let the staff member know this.

In the unlikely event that your meeting does not solve your concern, write a letter to the staff member’s immediate administrator. This will be the director of their department.

In your letter describe the situation, provide dates and times, give examples, and provide documents.

The administrator that receives your letter will send a copy of your letter to the staff member.The administrator will send you and the staff member a written response within 15 businessdays after receiving your letter. (The administrator may request to meet with you, first.) 

If you wish to appeal the decision of the first administrator, you have five business days after youreceive your written response. 

Write a formal letter of appeal to the appropriate vice president. Include all the materials you sent and received in Step 2. The vice president will send you and the staff member a written response within 15 businessdays after receiving your letter. 

If you wish to appeal the decisions of the vice president, you have five business days after you receive your written response. Write a formal letter of appeal to the college president. Include all the materials you sent and received in Step 3. The president will send you and the staff member a written response within 15 businessdays after receiving your letter. The decision of the president is final.