Chapter Five: Board Policies
Number: | 5.001 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Mission, Vision and Values policy | Implementation Date: | 9-13-2018 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 5-9-2019, 11-9-2023 |
The Board of Trustees expects that Centralia College will be a mission-focused institution and that, while the overall work of the college is very broad, particular attention will be paid to the key mission focus areas as described below. The mission statement serves as the foundation of the college’s policy governance structure and articulates the institution’s purpose and commitment to student learning and achievement. The mission statement reflects the ways in which the college gives focus and direction to its values and works to fulfill its vision.
Mission Statement
Centralia College is committed to student success, academic excellence, and supporting our community in an inclusive and equitable learning environment.
Values Statement
At Centralia College we value:
- Student success
- Quality education and services
- Equity and inclusion
- Our diverse communities
- Stewardship and sustainability
Vision Statement
Centralia College strives to be a responsive educational leader for our community.
Mission Focus Areas
The Board of Trustees expects that the college will monitor progress toward fulfillment of its mission on an annual basis, as described in the Mission Fulfillment Policy. The annual monitoring process will address the following Mission Focus Areas:
- Student Success: Centralia College students will progress, persist, and complete their educational endeavors.
- Academic Excellence: Centralia College students will accomplish well-defined educational and program goals relevant to future success.
- Supporting Community: Centralia College will engage our communities in educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities while demonstrating equity, stewardship, and sustainability.
The Board of Trustees directs the president and college personnel to monitor and report on performance data related to these mission focus areas on an annual basis.
Number: | 5.002 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: | Governance Statement | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The purpose of the board of trustees is to serve as the liaison between the college and the community and to assure that the college serves the needs of community. Based on their knowledge and experience, the board of trustees supports the fulfillment of the college mission.
Number: | 5.003 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: |
Governance Commitment
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The board of trustees shall govern Centralia College in accordance with the United States and Washington State Constitutions, and the Community and Technical College Act of the State of Washington. The board shall always act in the best interest of the college and the community as a whole. The board commits itself to excellence in the performance of its duties.
Number: | 5.004 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: |
Governing Style
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The board shall govern with an emphasis on outward vision rather than an internal preoccupation. It shall provide strategic leadership more than administrative detail. It shall encourage a diversity of viewpoints and focus on the future rather than the past or present. It shall make a clear distinction between board and presidential roles. The board shall make collective rather than individual decisions and shall be proactive rather than reactive.
Accordingly, the board shall:
- Deliberate in many voices, but govern in one.
- Be responsible for excellence in governance and policy initiative.
- Direct, control, and inspire the college through careful establishment of broad written policies reflecting the board’s values and perspectives. The board’s major policy focus will be on the intended long-term impacts outside the college, not on the administrative or programmatic means for attaining those effects.
- Enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, preparation for meetings, policy making principles, respect of roles, and ensuring the continuity of governance capability.
- Monitor and discuss the board’s process and performance at least annually. Self- monitoring will include comparison of board activity and discipline to policies in the Governance Process and Board-Staff Linkage categories.
- Continual board development shall include, but not be limited to, orientation of new members to the board’s governance process, periodic board discussion of process improvement, and attendance at state and national trustee conferences.
Develop policy in the context of college and community needs. The board shall use environmental scanning to ensure continued awareness of changing needs.
Number: | 5.005 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: | Board Job Description | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 2-13-2020 |
A Centralia College Trustee should be a person who has a passion for education, supports and cares about Centralia College, is willing to serve the community, understands or is willing to learn about and follow policy governance and lives in South Thurston County or Lewis County. Be available to attend the monthly board meetings and any special meetings that may be called. Be able to listen, discuss, and make decisions regarding college policies. Be as aware as possible of the community education needs and help make sure the college is addressing those needs in a successful manner.
Be willing to:
- Attend regular monthly meetings
- Attend special meetings that may be called
- Attend State trustee conferences and workshops
- Attend college functions as your schedule allows
- Understand the master facilities plan and look to the future
- Attend graduations
- Participate in Centralia College foundation events
- Learn and understand the different functions of the college
- Be able to listen without judgement
- Willing to work as a team with the other trustees
- When able, attend national trustee conferences
- Serve on a committee at the state trustee organization (if possible)
- Visit our East Campus at Morton
- Be able to serve on a board subcommittee (not used very often)
- Serve as chair, vice chair of the board when your turn comes up
- Read all the reports submitted for board meetings and be prepared for the meeting
- Speak with law makers about issues impacting the college
Serving as a trustee for Centralia College is a privilege and honor. It’s a learning opportunity and you work with some of the finest professionals in education.
Number: | 5.006 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Bylaws | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 9-14-2005, 1-9-2020 |
Name - The name of the governing board of Centralia College shall be the “Board of Trustees of Community College District Twelve,” commonly referred to as the “Board of Trustees.”
Appointment - The board is composed of five members appointed by the Governor of Washington State for five-year terms, with consent of the Senate.
Removal - No member of the board shall be removed except as prescribed in RCW 28B.50.100.
Composition and Powers. - The form and composition of the board, its duties and powers are prescribed in RCW 28B.50.100, RCW 28B.50.140 and RCW 28B.50.142.
Designation of Officers - The officers of the board shall be chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. The chair and vice chair shall be members of the board; the secretary shall be the college president; the treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the college.
- Chair - The role and duties of the chair is prescribed in Governance Policy GP-5.
- Vice Chair - The role and duties of the vice chair is prescribed in Governance Policy GP-5.
- Secretary - The secretary is responsible for the accuracy of board documents; certifies the integrity of the minutes and other board documents; and maintains and safeguards all board documents. The secretary shall make the legally required notifications of all board meetings. The office of the secretary shall be the official office of the board and shall be the location of all board documents.
- Treasurer - The role and duties of the treasurer are prescribed in RCW 28B.50.142 and RCW 28B.50.143
Election of Chair and Vice Chair - The board shall elect the chair and vice chair annually at the regular June meeting of the board. They hold office for one year, beginning July 1. Successors shall be elected to hold office if there is an unexpired term.
Attendance - The board may request the governor’s office to replace any board member who fails without being excused by the board to regularly attend board meetings.
Quorum - A quorum requires a minimum of three board members.
Passing Vote - A passing vote requires a minimum of three board members.
Committees - Committees are subject to Governance Policy GP-6.
Regular Meetings - Regular meetings of the board shall be held monthly unless canceled by the board or the chair of the board. At the annual board planning retreat meeting each year, the board shall adopt a schedule of regular meetings for the ensuing calendar year. The secretary shall file this schedule with the State Code Reviser for inclusion in the Washington State Register.
Special Meetings - The chair, or any three members of the board, may call a special meeting at any time after giving twenty-four hours’ notice. The agenda and order of business may be different from regular meetings. However, the board may take action only on items listed on the agenda.
Study Sessions – The board may participate in study sessions where special attention can be given to particular topics, matters of interest, or presentations.
Public Meetings -- Executive Sessions. Meetings of the board shall be open to the public except in executive sessions. Action may be considered and proposed in executive session, but official action shall be taken only in public meeting.
Minutes - Minutes are a legal record of board meetings. At a minimum, they shall contain:
- the meeting’s date, time and attendance
- all official actions of the board
- receipt of all monitoring data and responses to the data
- information and options for decisions
- educational and ownership communication and feedback
- information on other events that show board diligence
- any statement for the record as requested by a member of the board
- the signature of the secretary
Order of Business - Normally the order of business at each regular meeting shall be:
- Call to Order
- Attendance
- Flag Salute
- Introductions
- Recognitions
- Open Forum Procedures
- Consent Agenda
- Adoption of Minutes
- Trustee Reports
- President’s Report
- Reports to the Board
- New Business
- Old Business
- Policy Governance
- Discussion Items
- Comments from the Audience
- Executive Session
- Action from Executive Session
- Announcement of Next Meeting Date and Place
- Adjournment
Rules of Procedure - Except as otherwise specified here, or as required by law, the chair shall conduct board meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Agenda - At least seven working days before each meeting the chair of the board shall submit to the secretary the agenda for the next meeting. At least five working days before the meeting the secretary shall mail to each member of the board the agenda and all required monitoring reports.
Public Comment - Impromptu comments or questions by members of the public may be presented at any meeting of the board consistent with the provisions of Chapter 42.30 RCW, the open meetings act. The chair shall have the right to limit the time of any presentation.
Complaints - Complaints or charges against a public officer or employee shall be heard in executive session.
Number: | 5.010 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: | Board Chair's Role | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The chair ensures the integrity of the board’s process and, secondarily, occasionally represents the board to outside parties. The chair is the only board member authorized to speak for the board (beyond simply reporting board decisions), other than board- authorized instances.
- The job result of the chair is that the board behaves consistently with its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the college.
- Meeting content shall focus on those issues that, according to board policy, clearly belong to the board to decide or examine, not the president.
- Deliberation will be fair, open, and thorough, but also efficient, timely, orderly, and kept to the point.
- The authority of the chair consists of making decisions that fall within the topics covered by board policies on Governance Process and Board-Staff Linkage, except where the board specifically delegates portions of this authority to others. The chair is authorized to use any reasonable interpretation of the provisions in these policies.
- The chair is empowered to chair board meetings with all the commonly accepted power of that position, i.e., ruling, recognizing, and agenda-setting.
- The chair has no authority to make decisions about policies created by the board within Ends and Executive Limitations policy areas. Therefore, the chair has no authority to supervise or direct the president.
- The chair may represent the board to outside parties in announcing board- stated positions and in stating chair decisions and interpretations within the area delegated to him or her.
- The chair may delegate authority, but remains accountable for its use.
In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume the responsibilities of the chair.
Number: | 5.011 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Budget Oversight | Implementation Date: | 1-9-2020 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: |
The Board of Trustees reserves the authority to set policies for and review the financials and associated status for the College at a frequency determined by the Board. With respect to the Board’s actual and continuous fiduciary responsibility, and the College’s financial health, the President will promote fiscal integrity and avoid material deviation from Board-approved priorities.
Accordingly, the Board expects the following:
- The President will present an annual budget to the Board of Trustees for approval no later than the May Board meeting. In the case that a new budget cannot be presented by the May meeting, the Board may pass a resolution at the regular June meeting or at a special meeting on or before June 30 extending the current year’s operating budget for a specified number of months; at the end of the specified period, the Board will take action on a new budget.
- The Board of Trustees will receive no fewer than three budget presentations per year. These presentations may be presented as part of the written monthly Board report, as a presentation or oral report during a regularly scheduled Board meeting, or during a scheduled study session. Budget presentations should address budget structure, revenues, expenses, and any other financial factors likely to have a significant impact on the fiscal health of the college or its programs.
- The President will notify the Board of Trustees of any significant potential or actual budget cut to state-funded or contract-funded programs. Significant cuts will be defined as cuts of $100,000 or more within the general operating budget; however, smaller cuts may also be considered significant if they constitute a substantial percentage of the operating budget for a specific program or service.
- In exercising its budget oversight authority, the Board may approve or reject the annual budget as presented by the President; may direct the President to assure that the budget sufficiently addresses the stated goals and priorities of the Board; however, the Board will not exercise any line item vetoes on specific items within the budget. The Board may defer action on the budget, and may direct the President to reconsider or revise specific items.
- The Board directs the President to assure that the college maintains sufficient reserve funding to maintain operation of the college in case of fiscal or other emergencies. As a general guideline, sufficient reserves should be defined as 2 months of operating expenses; consideration should also be given to providing for continuity of operations with regard to unforeseen natural or manmade disasters, as well as unplanned capital repair and replacement.
Number: | 5.012 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: |
Board Committees
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
Board committees, when used, shall operate to minimally interfere with the wholeness of the board’s job and never to interfere with delegation of authority from the board to the president. Committees will be used sparingly.
Number: | 5.013 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: |
Planning & Agenda
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The board examines their goals each year and makes their determination on mission fulfillment. The board shall follow an annual agenda that:
- Completes a re-exploration of goals and accomplishments annually, and
- Continually improves its performance through attention to board education and communication, feedback, and deliberation.
Accordingly, the board shall hold an annual planning retreat to prepare the annual agenda.
Number: | 5.014 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100
Title: |
Board Evaluations
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
The board of trustees shall conduct an annual self-evaluation.
Number: | 5.015 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 28B.50.100; RCW 42.30; RCW 42.52
Title: |
Board Members' Code of Ethics
Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: |
Board of Trustees
Revisions: | 11-9-2017, 5-13-2022 |
The Centralia College Board of Trustees is committed to demonstrating ethical and lawful conduct in the execution of its duties. Each Trustee will adhere to appropriate ethical standards; in addition, the Board makes clear its expectation that the administration and employees of Centralia College act in an ethical and lawful manner in representing the college and completing their daily work.
- In fulfilling their official duties, Board members must keep the interests of the college and the fulfillment of its mission as the top priority.
- Board members must avoid any conflict of interest with respect to their fiduciary or policy-making responsibilities; if a Board member has an unavoidable conflict of interest on a specific issue that comes before the Board, that member will recuse himself or herself from both the deliberations and any vote or Board action on that issue.
- Members will disclose any association which might produce a conflict of interest; all Board members will comply with public disclosure requirements as outlined by the Washington Public Disclosure Commission.
- Board members will observe the provisions of the Washington Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30).
- The Board of Trustees will act with one voice; while open exchange of ideas and opinions is expected as part of the deliberation process, official action is reserved for the Board acting as a body. Board members may not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization, except as specifically set forth in Board policy.
- When interacting with the public, the media, or other entities, Board members will recognize appropriate limits on the ability of any one Board member to speak on behalf of the full Board or the college
- Interactions between individual Board members and the president or staff must recognize the lack of authority in any individual Board member to take official actions or to specifically influence the operations of the college.
- Board members must not use their position to obtain employment or other specific benefits from the organization for themselves, family members or close associates.
- Members will respect the confidentiality appropriate to any issues of a sensitive nature, particularly those items considered under Executive Session.
- Members shall ensure that public funds are spent wisely and legally, including those that relate to their expenses. Expenses shall be authorized, legitimate, direct and reasonable expenses of trusteeship.
- Board members will comply with all relevant legal requirements, including RCW 42.52: Ethics in Public Service.
The Board will make clear its expectations for ethical and lawful behavior on the part of college administration and staff by the adoption of appropriate policy, by official action on the part of the Board, and by example.
Number: | 5.016 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Policy Review | Implementation Date: | 10-11-2018 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 11-9-2023 |
The Board of Trustees expects that Centralia College will be governed by clear and published policies and procedures. To that end, the Board outlines the following guidelines for the creation, review, and elimination of college policy.
- The Board will establish and regularly review Board Policies; these policies should direct the president and college personnel with regard to the general expectations for the operation of the college.
- The college will establish and regularly review Administrative Policies to outline official rules and practices. These procedures may apply to college employees, students, or members of the public conducting business with the college.
- When any Administrative Policy is added, revised, or deleted, the Board will be informed at the next regular meeting or as soon as practicable.
Number: | 5.017 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Trustee Travel | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
The president shall ensure that adequate funding for trustee education and travel shall be provided in the college-operating budget.
As part of the operating budget development process, the board shall inform the president of its education and travel needs for the following year.
Number: | 5.020 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Board/President Relationship | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
The board’s official connection to Centralia College, its achievement, and conduct shall be through the president. This does not preclude board members from participating in college activities.
Number: | 5.021 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | President’s Role | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
The president, as chief executive officer, is accountable to the board. The board shall instruct the president through written policies, delegating to the president interpretation and implementation of those policies within the boundaries of ethics, laws, and regulations.
Number: | 5.022 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Delegation to the President | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
All board authority and accountability for college operations is delegated through the president by establishing policies and specific goals.
- The board shall direct the president to achieve specified results, for specified recipients, at a specified worth through the establishment of policies and strategic goals. The board shall limit the latitude the president may exercise in practices, methods, conduct and other “means” to the ends through establishment of Executive Limitations policies.
- As long as the president uses any reasonable interpretation of the board’s policies, the president is authorized to establish all further policies, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices, and develop all activities.
- The board may change is policies, thereby shifting the boundary between board and president responsibilities. By so doing, the board changes the latitude of choice given to the president. But so long as any particular delegation is in place, the board and its members shall respect and support the president’s choices.
- Only decisions of the board acting as a body are binding upon the president.
- Decisions or instructions of individual board members are not binding on the president except in rare instances when the board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority.
- In the case of board members requesting information or assistance without board authorization, the president may refer the matter back to the board as a whole.
Number: | 5.023 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Executive Limitations | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 2-18-2016, 2-13-2020 |
Executive Limitations Statements
POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall assure that the college does not engage in any practice, activity, decision, or situation that is unlawful, imprudent, or that violates commonly accepted business or professional ethics. The president shall assure that the college engages in no activity that is contrary to the provisions set forth in State Board for Community and Technical Colleges policy, Office of Financial Management policy, any executive order of the Governor of the state of Washington, or Centralia College board of trustees’ policy. The president shall not allow any action, inaction, activity, or practice that places the college in jeopardy of losing its accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
BOARD POLICY EL-2, Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: TREATMENT OF PEOPLE
The president shall treat students, staff, volunteers, and the community in a manner that is humane and fair. The president shall communicate in a dignified, civil, collegial, and professional manner when conducting the business of the college. The president is directed to maintain the following policy and practice stipulations:
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall maintain clearly established procedures that clarify student, staff, volunteers, and visitor rules, provide for effective handling of grievances, and protect against wrongful conditions.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall ensure no person is punished or retaliated against anyone for expressing ethical dissent.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall maintain due process procedures for students, staff, volunteers, and visitors.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall not prevent any member of the community, staff, student, or volunteer, after having exhausted all internal grievance or complaint procedures, from addressing the board about alleged non-compliance with board policy.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall publish and regularly review policies that establish for students, staff, volunteers, and community members their rights and responsibilities. Every effort shall be made to inform individuals of those rights and responsibilities as they relate to current incidents or circumstances.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall take prompt and appropriate action when the president becomes aware of any violation of federal or state laws rules or regulations, State Board for Community and Technical College’s policies, Office of Financial management Policy, governor’s executive order, or violation of board policy.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall interact with community members or external stakeholders in a manner that creates goodwill toward the college to the greatest extent possible.
- POLICYDIRECTIVE: The president shall protect the academic freedom of the institution, its faculty, and its students.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall promulgate rules and provide for sanctions that provide a civil and non-disruptive learning environment.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall manage the college in a manner that encourages inclusive and collaborative leadership at all levels.
POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not allow any policy, procedure, or practice concerning compensation and benefits to employees, consultants, or contract workers that jeopardizes the fiscal integrity or public image of the college, or that is contrary to the State Ethics Law.
Executive Limitation 4:
GLOBAL POLICY PROHIBITION: Budgeting for any fiscal year, or the remaining part of any fiscal year, shall not deviate materially from Board Ends priorities, risk fiscal jeopardy, or be unrealistic in projections of income and expenses. Accordingly:
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall develop a budget based on accurate projection, to the greatest extent that is feasible, of revenues and expenses, separation of capital and operational items, cash flow, and disclosure of planning assumptions.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Planned expenditures in any fiscal year should not exceed funds than are conservatively projected to be received during that year plus any carryover funds from the previous years.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Annual budgets must include sufficient operating costs for board prerogatives, such as costs of fiscal audit, board development and training, staffing, board travel, and board professional fees.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The budget development process should provide opportunities for information and feedback from administration, faculty, staff, and students.
Executive Limitation 5
GLOBAL POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not cause or allow the development of fiscal jeopardy or a material deviation from board-approved priorities as established in board goals or policy. Accordingly, the president shall not expend more funds than have been budgeted in the fiscal year, without direct consultation with and approval from the Board of Trustees.
Executive Limitation 6:
The president shall not allow assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, or unnecessarily risked. Accordingly, the president shall:
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Provide reasonable precautions against theft, misappropriation, conversions, and casualty.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Establish and maintain and regularly review disaster and emergency management plans.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: Not permit plant and equipment to be subjected to improper wear and tear or inadequate maintenance.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: Not unnecessarily expose the college, the board, or staff to claims of liability.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Establish and maintain processes to receive, process, and disburse funds under controls that are sufficient to meet auditor’s standards.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Invest funds in accounts or investments only as allowed by Washington state law.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: Not acquire, encumber or dispose of real property outside of the boundaries of the approved facility master plan as approved by the Board of Trustees.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: Establish and maintain processes to protect property, information, and files from loss, damage or misuse.
The president shall assure that the Board of Trustees is adequately informed, in a timely manner, on all issues relevant to its duties to provide oversight and governance of the college.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall submit monitoring data required by the board in a timely, accurate, and understandable fashion, directly addressing provisions of the board policies and these executive limitations.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall make the board aware in a timely manner of trends relevant to Board Policies, any anticipated potentially adverse media coverage before it is printed or broadcast, actual or anticipated legal actions, or material external and internal changes particularly changes in the assumptions upon which any board policy has been established and resignations or reassignments of faculty and staff.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall advise the board if, in the president’s opinion, the board is not in compliance with its Governance Policies or Board-Staff linkage Policies, particularly in the case of board behaviors that are detrimental to the working relationship between the board and the president.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not present information in unnecessarily complex form or length or that is knowingly false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall provide a mechanism for official board communication.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not take policy direction from individual board members; the board acts as a whole. This shall not be interpreted to mean that the president cannot discuss matters with individual board members.
- POLICY DIRECTIVE: The president shall report promptly any actual, or anticipated, non-compliance with any policy of the board.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not state or imply to any person that an action taken is directed by the board unless the board has voted to take such action.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not attempt to utilize board executive sessions to deal with issues not allowed by the state open public meetings act.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not prohibit the executive team, deans, faculty or staff from communicating socially with members of the board, but may request college administrators to advise him or her of any matters discussed concerning any substantial issues affecting the administration or operations of the college.
POLICY DIRECTIVE: To protect the board from sudden loss of presidential services, the president shall assure that no fewer than two other executives are familiar with board and presidential issues and processes.
Defer to 5.040 Naming of Facilities
The board of trustees reserves the authority to grant or deny tenure, and to issue a final order for dismissal of tenured faculty. In addition, the board of trustees reserves the authority to renew or not renew contracts for probationary faculty and to issue a final order to dismiss probationary faculty for cause.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not grant, or deny, tenure.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not issue the final order to dismiss tenured faculty.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not renew or non-renew contracts for probationary faculty.
- POLICY PROHIBITION: The president shall not issue the final order to dismiss probationary faculty.
Number: | 5.024 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Monitoring Presidential Performance | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
Monitoring presidential performance is essentially synonymous with monitoring organizational performance against board policies. Evaluation of presidential performance, formal or informal, shall be based on performance against all board policies, and the president’s job description and contract, and accomplishment of mission outcomes and strategic goals.
- Monitoring shall be as routine as possible.
- A given board policy may be monitored by internal or external reports, or by direct inspection.
- The president may be required to produce information and data concerning whether the criteria contained in board policy have been adhered to.
- The board shall advise the president if, in its view, he or she is not in compliance with board policy. Each year, the board shall conduct a formal evaluation of the president.
Number: | 5.025 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Acting President | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 1-9-2020 |
The board shall not be left without a president. If the president is unreachable, incapacitated, or traveling outside the country, the president shall appoint a vice-president to serve as acting president, for short periods of time, not to exceed 30 consecutive working days at a time. For shorter absences, or if the president is available by phone or email, refer to the 1.005 Administrator in Charge policy. For absences of more than 30 days, the board must take action.
Number: | 5.030 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 & RCW 28B.50.852 |
Title: | Tenure | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Board of Trustees, President's Office | Revisions: | 10-2-2019 |
The Board of Trustees reserves the authority to grant or deny tenure.
Number: | 5.031 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Emeritus, Trustees & President | Implementation Date: | 9-8-2016 |
Contact: | Board of Trustees | Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
Emeritus is a designated honorary status intended to recognize the distinguished contributions of a retiring or retired Centralia College President or Trustee. Emeritus status shall not entitle the holder to any remuneration, formal associated responsibilities, or compensation other than what is provided for in this procedure.
- Any retiring or retired President with a long-term record of service as President of Centralia College may be eligible for emeritus status.
- Long-term record of commitment to the College.
- Long-term record of commitment to the community.
- Long-term record of professional excellence.
Nomination and Approval
A member of the Centralia College Board of Trustees may submit a nomination naming a retiring or retired Centralia College President or Trustee to become President Emeritus or Trustee Emeritus. A motion shall be made and approved by a majority vote of the Centralia College Board of Trustees to grant emeritus status. The Board of Trustees retains the authority to withdraw a President Emeritus or Trustee Emeritus title at its discretion as it deems necessary and appropriate.
Rights and Privileges
- The awarding of emeritus status means the individuals name and title, followed by emeritus distinction will be placed in the college catalog and other publications as appropriate.
- The individual may use the title “President Emeritus” or “Trustee Emeritus” on community and professional activities.
The individual will receive invitations to college receptions and similar events including commencement.
Number: | 5.032 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100 |
Title: | Emeritus Status | Implementation Date: | 12-7-2016 |
Contact: | President | Revisions: | 12-17-2019 |
Emeritus is a designated honorary status intended to recognize the distinguished contributions of a retiring or retired Centralia College employee. Emeritus status shall not entitle the holder to any remuneration, formal associated responsibilities, or compensation other than what is provided for in this procedure. Emeritus status does not take effect until after an employee has retired.
- Any retiring or retired faculty member, administrative officer (i.e. Vice President, Dean, Director), or Classified staff member with a long-term record of employment service with Centralia College may be eligible for emeritus status. Typically, long-term service is defined as ten years or more, though the committee may recommend exceptions in favor of other criteria.
- Record of commitment to the College.
- Record of commitment to the community.
- Record of professional excellence.
Nomination and Approval
In spring of each year, Human Resources will send out a notification to all College employees of the process and timeline for emeritus nominations including a nomination form. Emeritus nominations shall be submitted to the Human Resources office. An emeritus committee consisting of VP of HR, two faculty members, two admin/exempt employees, and two classified employees. The VP of Human Resources and Legal Affairs will serve as an ex officio member of the committee. Committee members will serve a two-year term. A member in good standing may be reappointed to the committee for a future term after being off the committee for two or more years.
The committee will review the recommendations and submit a written recommendation to the President. The President's Office will then forward the recommendations to the Board for consideration and approval. After Board action, the President (or designee) will notify individuals who have been approved by the Board of their emeritus status.
Rights and Privileges
- The awarding of emeritus status means the individuals name and title, followed by emeritus distinction will be placed in the college catalog and other publications as appropriate.
- The individual may use the title “Emeritus” on community and professional activities.
The individual will receive invitations to college receptions and similar events including commencement.
The board, upon recommendation of the faculty, may also confer honorary associate
of arts degrees, or if it is authorized to award baccalaureate degrees may confer
honorary bachelor of applied science degrees, upon persons other than graduates of
the community college, in recognition of their learning or devotion to education,
literature, art, or science. No degree may be conferred in consideration of the payment
of money or the donation of any kind of property. The Board of Trustees reserves and
retains sole authority and discretion in the awarding of honorary degrees subject
to the specific conditions and limitations set forth in R.C.W. 28B.50.140 (12).
PROCEDURE: The following procedure shall be followed:
- Nominations for an honorary degree may originate from the Board, President, Administration, Faculty, Staff or Students or from the community at large and should be sent to the Vice President - Instructions office before April 15th in the year the degree is sought to be awarded.
- An Honorary Degree Committee made up of the Department Chairs and the Vice President Instruction as an Ex Officio member, will meet and review any nomination that has been submitted and seek input from the faculty as required by statute.
- The Honorary Degree Committee may consider the following examples of when an Honorary Degree may be merited.
- An exceptional student who has died before completing their degree.
- A civic leader who has made an extensive contribution to the college through their actions in volunteering, mentoring or other endeavors but not "the payment of money or the donation of any kind of property".
- A person who has made a substantial contribution to "education, literature, art or science".
- A person who has contributed substantially to the quality of life and learning of the students of the college.
- In rare cases a person who, as a living example of leadership or community service, represented the core values of the college over an extensive period of time.
- The Honorary Degree Committee will forward their recommendation along with all written comments from the faculty to the President to be delivered to the Board of Trustees.
- Honorary degrees will generally be conferred at Commencement, and may be awarded posthumously or in absentia. Few, if any, honorary degrees should be granted in any one year.
- The Board of Trustees shall consider the recommendations of the Honorary Degree Committee and the submitted comments and any other factors they deem appropriate and then, in their sole discretion and by their vote, authorize the granting of such honorary degrees as they decide are truly merited.
- The President shall then notify the recipient, and arrange for their opportunity to be present and suitably attired to receive the degree. In the case of a deceased recipient, a designee shall be determined by the Board (e.g. a member of the recipient's family, spouse, partner or friend), to receive the degree on the recipient's behalf.
[Approved & Adopted: Joanne Schwartz, Chair of the Centralia College Board of Trustees
and President Robert Frost 11/12/15][Reviewed 12-17-2019]
Number: | 5.034 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28B.50.100, EL-9 |
Title: | Naming of Facilities | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | President | Revisions: | 8-19-2014, 12-17-2019 |
Number: | 5.035 | Legal Authority: |
Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3); RCW 28B.50.140.8 |
Title: | Data & File Sharing with the Foundation | Implementation Date: | 10-14-2021 |
Contact: | Associate Vice President of Advancement | Revisions: |
Centralia College has an ongoing working agreement with the Centralia College Foundation, which is a separate 501(c)3 organization. Specific elements of the agreement are detailed in the quid pro quo document that is signed by both the College and the Foundation. As part of the quid pro quo agreement, the College needs access to some Foundation records and budget information, in order to provide specific services to Foundation employees, such as payroll and human resources functions, among others. However, it is the policy of Centralia College that Centralia College Foundation files—and most specifically donor files—are the sole property of the Foundation. College personnel will not access Foundation-owned files or documents without the knowledge and permission of the Centralia College Foundation. Further, it is the policy of the College that college employees not specifically employed by the Centralia College Foundation will only access documents and files needed to perform specific functions on behalf of the Foundation, such as payroll and benefits management, or specific financial services, as outlined in the quid pro quo agreement.