Chapter Two: Personnel Policies
2.000 Faculty
Number: | 2.001 | Legal Authority: | CCFT Agreement |
Title: | Academic Freedom | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Instruction Office | Revisions: | 3-6-2019, 2-7-2024 |
Each faculty member is entitled to freedom in the classroom in the discussion of the
subject they teach. Each faculty member has the same rights as other citizens with regard to academic freedom.
Number: | 2.008 | Legal Authority: | RCW 41.76.005 |
Title: | Bargaining Unit | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | VP, Human Resources & Equity | Revisions: | 6-5-2015, 10-2-2024 |
Centralia College recognizes the American Federation of Teachers as the exclusive negotiating representative for all Centralia College faculty members as defined in the negotiated agreement between the College and the Centralia College Federation of Teachers.
Number: | 2.012 | Legal Authority: | WAC 131-16-070 |
Title: | Certification of Community College Instructional Faculty | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Vice President, Instruction | Reviewed: | 4-3-2019, 12-4-2024 |
The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, through the adoption of WAC 131-16-070, has charged each community college district board of trustees with the adoption and publication of district personnel selection practices and standards and has prescribed minimum standards of qualifications and certification for community college personnel as described in WAC 131-16-080 through WAC 131-16-094. The board has delegated this responsibility to the college president. The Vice President, Instruction has the responsibility for administering this policy. Specific questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Vice President, Instruction.
CAMPUS CONTACT: VP of Human Resources & Legal Affairs/VP of Instruction
Faculty members are provided a contract each year. Faculty members planning to resign
or retire at the end of a contract year are requested to notify the Human Resource
office and the appropriate vice president by letter.
It is in the interest of the College to have ample time to conduct an effective search
for the replacement of a tenured faculty member who is resigning or retiring at the
end of the contract year. If a tenured faculty member chooses to resign or retire,
the College will offer a one-time lump-sum payment, payable after the effective date
of resignation or retirement, in return for early notification in accordance with
the following:
- $2,500 for written notification of resignation or retirement of tenured faculty members effective at the end of the academic year if the written notification is received by the appropriate vice president and the College Human Resource office on or before 4 p.m. of the 10th class day of Fall quarter in the same academic year.
- $1,500 for written notification of resignation or retirement of tenured faculty members effective at the end of the academic year if received by the appropriate vice president and the College Human Resource office after the 10th class day of fall quarter but before 4 p.m. the 35th day of winter quarter.
- $750 for written notification of resignation or retirement of tenured faculty members effective at the end of the academic year if the written notification is received by the appropriate vice president and the College Human Resource office on or before 4 p.m. on commencement day.
This one-time payment will not be calculated in present or future benefits from College
retirement systems.
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 06/22/2015]
Faculty leave provisions, including sabbatical leave, are addressed in the CCFT Agreement,
Sick Leave "Buy Back."
Each January, Full-time faculty members may elect to receive pay for hours earned
in excess of 480 hours. Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 25% of total hours
earned in the previous year minus sick leave hours taken.
Reference: CCFT Agreement
[Reviewed & Revised: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 06/22/15]
Number: | 2.057 | Legal Authority: | CCFT Agreement |
Title: | Workload & Released Time | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Vice President, Instruction | Revisions: | 2-7-2024 |
Faculty workload rules are determined by the faculty-negotiated agreement. Released time allows faculty to redirect a portion of instructional time to non-instructional assignments by the Vice President of Instruction. It is reasonable to expect a minimum of two hours of released time activity for each hour of class time.
In accordance with RCW 41.06.150 and Washington State Laws of 1989, Centralia College
employees may participate in a Shared Leave Program. This program allows employees
to request that leave be donated to a shared leave account to cover extraordinary
illnesses and injuries for which such employees have no leave balances to cover. This
program further allows employees to donate portions of their annual leave balances
to such fellow employees who have been approved for receipt of donated leave.
Any eligible Centralia College employee who is suffering from, or has a relative or
household member suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment,
or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee
to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment is eligible to receive
donated annual leave hours from any other Centralia College employee. This program
also has specifications for Approval Process, Donating Annual Leave Hours, Converting
Hours Donated to Hours Received, Return of Unused Shared Leave, and Shared Leave Records.
Copies of the entire procedure are available in the Human Resource Office.
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 06/22/15]
Number: | 2.072 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Student Club/Organization Advisor | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Director Student Life & Involvement Center | Revisions: | 2-3-2021 |
All officially recognized clubs and/or organizations require a volunteer faculty or exempt staff advisor. Faculty can advise clubs directly tied to their faculty positions and are exempt from overtime eligibility. Other advisors cannot advise clubs directly tied to their college position.
2.100 Adjunct Faculty
Number: | 2.101 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Appointment of Adjunct Faculty | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Vice President, Instruction | Revisions: | 2015, 2-7-2024 |
The President delegates to the Vice President Instruction and to the Vice President Student Services, the authority to hire or terminate adjunct faculty members in their respective areas. The vice presidents may delegate the same authority.
Number: | 2.115 | Legal Authority: | Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement |
Title: | Faculty Contracts | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 6-29-2015, 1-8-2025 |
All employment contracts pertaining to tenured, tenure-track, and temporary faculty, including moonlight and adjunct contracts, are addressed in the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Faculty members employed on adjunct and/or quarterly contracts shall earn sick leave
based on their contracted FTEF multiplied by seven (7) for each month they are in
active teaching status. At no time shall the total hours of sick leave earned per
month exceed seven (7) hours. Adjunct faculty shall be granted three (3) days (prorated)
sick leave upon the first day on which their initial assignment begins. After the
initial quarter of employment, adjunct faculty shall accumulate such leave at the
rate of one (1) day (prorated) for each calendar month during which they are employed
for a contractual day, provided the total does not include more than twelve (12) days
during any given twelve (12) month period. (Adjunct faculty should review the negotiated
agreement for details regarding usage, accrual, and other related matters to sick
All absences from class, except illness, family illness, bereavement, approved emergency
leave, or jury duty, will be considered leave without pay. Unauthorized absence or
leave taken without following institutional procedures shall result in a salary reduction
and may result in termination.
Leave Requests
All leaves with pay must have approval except for emergencies of a catastrophic nature
and unexpected illness. A leave request form must be submitted well in advance of
the desired leave(preferably at least 7 days). The leave must be approved by the appropriate
(Associate) Dean or Vice President before departing from the college.
In the case of an unexpected emergency or illness, the leave request form must be
submitted no later than three (3) days from the faculty member's return to the college.
It is important to note that the faculty member is responsible for submitting the
leave request form and verifying that the leave has been approved as a leave with
Call in
Adjunct faculty members who experience an unexpected illness and cannot fulfill their
obligations must notify the Instruction or Student Services (as appropriate) office
so that alternative arrangements can be made or the class cancelled for that day/evening.
Failure to notify the appropriate office may result in leave without pay. Additionally,
if the class is cancelled, the instructor shall be responsible for notifying the students
of the cancellation.
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 6/29/2015]
Number: | 2.155 | Legal Authority: | Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement |
Title: | Termination & Suspension of Adjunct Faculty | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Vice President Instruction | Revisions: | 8-19-2014, 11-6-2019, 1-8-2025 |
Adjunct faculty members may be terminated or temporarily suspended for sufficient cause before the end of the term of the contract when the Vice President or Dean believes such action is necessary to protect the interests of the college, safeguard college property, or protect students' interests. Adjunct faculty members are not paid for work missed while under suspension unless they are reinstated.
2.200 Community Service Instructors
Number: | 2.201 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Pay Rate | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Payroll Office | Reviewed: | |
Under Review | 4-3-2019 |
Community service class instructors are paid based on the number of students enrolled
in the class and on the particular fee charged as tuition for that class. The Continuing
Education Office can provide the rates of pay for community service classes. Community
Service instructors are not covered by the CCFT negotiated agreement.
2.300 Administrative & Exempt Personnel
Number: | 2.305 | Legal Authority: |
WAC 131-16-070 WAC 131-16-080 |
Title: | Certification of Community College Personnel | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Administration | Revisions: | 7-6-2015, 5-1-2024 |
Centralia College shall adhere to merit-based personnel selection and appointment standards that ensure excellence in all aspects of district operations, satisfy the standards of regional and national accrediting organizations, comply with federal and state laws, affirm and promote diversity, and provide for a globally competent, highly qualified faculty and staff who represent a wide range of educational and professional experience.
Number: | 2.310 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Exempt Compensation | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Reviewed: | 5-1-2019 |
Exempt employees are compensated commensurate with their job duties and responsibilities.
Salary increases will be subject to limitations imposed by the SBCTC and legislative
Salary and Title Changes
- General - Exempt positions are assigned to one of seven bands based on the nature of work, level of duties and responsibilities. Human Resources is responsible for evaluating and assigning the appropriate band for each exempt position. Review of positions must be initiated by a president or a vice president.
- Assignment of Salary Bands - Salary band assignments will take into consideration an evaluation of job duties and responsibilities as it relates to the following:
- Planning, implementing, coordinating and controlling resources and personnel for a multi-emphasis department or single emphasis department.
- Major responsibility for implementing broad based, cross-divisional policies.
- Work with external agencies.
- Day to Day management responsibilities for a specific program within a department.
- Complexity and responsibilities of the job.
- Budget monitoring and control.
- Special assistance for correspondence, project management, public relations.
- Fiscal management; and/or
- Importance of the job to the success of the College.
- Salary Adjustments - The College may adjust the salary of an employee to address issues related to recruitment and retention, salary compression or inversion, increased duties and responsibilities, or to address salary inequities. The president and the vice president may recommend that the salary band assigned to a position be adjusted due to external market considerations, which preclude the College from recruiting or retaining qualified employees for a particular position.
- Legislative Authorization - All salary adjustments based on factors other than those referenced above must be legislatively authorized.
- Title Changes - Employees' titles will be changed consistent with their placement in one of the seven band categories.
Number: | 2.315 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Contract Year | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Reviewed: | 7-6-2015, 5-1-2019, 10-2-2024 |
Administrative and exempt personnel are provided a contract annually that specifies salary, duration, and other terms and conditions of employment.
Administrators and other exempt "professional" employees are expected to work the
number of hours it takes to do the work assigned. They are contracted on an annual
basis to perform certain duties and responsibilities and do not report their hours
on an exception basis. They are not entitled under state and federal law to overtime
compensation for hours worked over forty per week. This means that from time to time,
these employees are expected to put in those extra hours as needed without additional
There are times, however, when this expectation would be inappropriate due to the
extent of the number of hours required. In those cases, where special projects require
a substantial number of extra hours worked, these employees may request discretionary
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 7/6/2015]
Administrative and exempt staff is entitled to various leaves. The supervisor must
approve leaves in writing in advance. Emergency or unexpected leaves without prior
approval require a call-in for each day of absence.
*Applicable procedures apply to classified staff also.
Time and Leave Reporting
- Annual Leave: Employees are not required to charge leave balances to cover supervisor-approved part-day absences for less than four (4) hours and shall be paid their regular salary despite such absences.
- Sick Leave: Sick leave usage for personal medical, dental or optical appointments, or for family or household members' appointments when the presence of the employee is required, if arranged in advance with the employee's supervisor, will not need to be reported when appointments require an absence from work of fewer than four (4) hours per appointment.
- Leave Usage: Leave usage provided under these guidelines is not intended to supersede any rights an employee would have under state and federal law.
- Reporting Leave: Employees shall report any leave taken (4 or more hours) consistent with Centralia College leave request procedures (see next section).
Leave Requests
- All leaves, either vacation or sick, must have approval of the supervisor. A leave request form must be submitted well in advance of the desired leave (preferably at least 7 days). The leave must be approved before departing from the college except in the event of illness or an emergency, in which case the supervisor must be called.
- In the case of an unexpected emergency or illness, the leave request form must be submitted no later than three (3) days from the administrator's return to the college.
- All types of leave shall be requested and documented on appropriate forms approved by the college.
- Records of all types of leave accumulation and usage shall be kept by the human resources office. The president, or other designated administrator, shall keep records of leave requests on a monthly basis for submission to the personnel office.
- Any accrual type leave shall continue to accrue during usage of any such leave.
Call In
In the event an administrative or exempt employee has an unexpected illness or emergency,
he/she must inform the supervisor of the need for the absence from the college on
that day. Administrative or exempt employees are required to call in every day of
their absence unless prior arrangements have been made. Calling the supervisor does
not give the administrative or exempt employee approval for the leave. A leave request
form must be submitted and approved upon their return to work.
Annual Leave - Accrual
- Administrative and exempt staff on twelve-month contracts will accrue annual leave at the rate of twenty-four days per year. The manner of accrual shall be two days per month (i.e. 16 hours).
- Administrative and exempt staff on permanent part-time contracts or full-time contracts for more than six months but less than twelve months duration will accrue annual leave on a pro-rata basis for the months contracted.
- Unused annual leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of thirty (30) days, forty-four (44) days for administrators hired by District XII before October 1, 1984. Leave in excess of maximum must be used before June 30 each year.
- The Board of Trustees may determine the vacation leave amounts, usage rules, and rules regarding excess accumulation and cash out for the President/CEO of the college at its discretion pursuant RCW 43.01.042.
Annual Leave - Usage
- Administrative and exempt staff is encouraged to take at least fifteen days of annual leave each year.
- Annual leave shall be scheduled at a time convenient to the college, the determination of which shall rest with the employing official or his/her designee.
- As far as possible, leave will be scheduled in accordance with the wishes of the employee in any amount up to his/her earned leave credits.
- Leave accrued in excess of the maximum, identified in subsection C under Annual Leave -Accrual, must be used before June 30 each year.
Annual Leave - Excess Accumulation
There are two methods which allow excess accumulation of vacation leave above the
- Statement of necessity:
- If an employee's request for annual leave is deferred by the college president or his or her designee, then the maximum vacation accrual will be extended to avoid a loss of excess annual leave credits provided that a statement of necessity justifying the deferral is approved and filed with the human resource office prior June 30.
- In no case will a deferral exceed one- hundred eighty (180) calendar days in duration.
- Condition not requiring a statement of necessity:
- As an alternative to, and not conjunctive with, subsection 1a of this section, an employee may accumulate vacation leave in excess of the maximum between July 1 and June 30 of each fiscal year.
- If the leave is not used before July 1 of each year, the excess leave will be automatically extinguished and considered to have never existed.
Annual Leave - Excess Accumulation
There are two methods which allow excess accumulation of vacation leave above the
- Statement of necessity:
- If an employee's request for annual leave is deferred by the college president or his or her designee, then the maximum vacation accrual will be extended to avoid a loss of excess annual leave credits provided that a statement of necessity justifying the deferral is approved and filed with the human resource office prior June 30.
- In no case will a deferral exceed one- hundred eighty (180) calendar days in duration.
- Condition not requiring a statement of necessity:
- As an alternative to, and not conjunctive with, subsection 1a of this section, an employee may accumulate vacation leave in excess of the maximum between July 1 and June 30 of each fiscal year.
- If the leave is not used before July 1 of each year, the excess leave will be automatically extinguished and considered to have never existed.
Annual Leave - Cash Out
Cash payment in lieu of accumulated annual leave may be made up to a maximum of thirty
(30) days under the following conditions:
- Upon resignation, except in cases where an administrator transfers to another Washington State agency, in which case his/her leave balance will also be transferred to the receiving agency;
- Upon layoff or dismissal;
- Upon retirement; and
- At death.
- Cash payment in lieu of accumulated annual leave may be made in excess of the thirty (30) days limit under the following conditions:
- The administrator gives timely and proper notification of his/her intent to retire or resign (except in cases of a transfer to another state agency), is laid off or is terminated by the employer, will be entitled to the accrued vacation leave.
- The administrator is a member of the PERS I, WSTRS I, or TIAA/CREF retirement system and was employed by Community College District Twelve prior to October 1, 1984; in which case the maximum cash payment for accumulated annual leave shall be the maximum allowed by the retirement system in computing pension benefits. Currently, this amount is two years of vacation benefits or a maximum of forty-four (44) days).
Transfer of Annual Leave
Administrators transferring to the College from another state agency or state community
college can bring with them up to thirty (30) days of annual leave.
Personal Holiday
Administrative and exempt staff is entitled to one day of personal holiday per calendar
year. This day is not accumulative.
Sick Leave (Illness and Injury)
- Full-time administrators on twelve, eleven or ten month contracts shall earn twelve, eleven or ten days respectively of sick leave, commencing with the first day work is to be performed. After twelve months of employment, full-time administrators shall accrue sick leave at the rate of one (1) day for each calendar month they are employed or on approved, paid leave for a minimum of one contract day.
- All other contracted administrators shall earn one (1) day of sick leave per month.
- Each administrator's unused sick leave shall accumulate from year to year without limit so long as she or he is continuously employed in the district.
- The employer reserves the right to request reasonable proof in the event of leaves for illness or injury.
- Sick leave shall be allowed an administrator up to the amount of the earned balance under the following conditions:
- Because of, and during, illness, disability, or injury which has incapacitated the administrator from performing required duties.
- By reason of exposure to a contagious disease during such period as attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of fellow employees or the public, and the condition is verified by appropriate health officials.
- For the purpose of medical, dental or optical appointments if arranged in advance with the employing official or his designee.
- In the event the spouse, child or immediate family of an administrator is seriously ill or injured and the presence of the employee is required at the place of emergency, the administrator may be granted leave with full pay for not more than five days per contract year.
- The administrator shall notify the immediate supervisor at the earliest appropriate time after determining the necessity of sick leave usage. If unable to contact the appropriate supervisor at that time, arrangements shall be made for the next best appropriate means of communicating to the supervisor the reason sick leave is necessary and any information relating to coverage of assigned duties, the estimated leave time, where and when contact may be made during such leave, and any other information necessary. Attempts shall be made to minimize the disruption or inconvenience to the institution that might result from the administrator's leave.
- Pursuant to applicable statute, administrators may cash in unused sick leave days in excess of an accumulation of sixty (60) days at a ratio of one (1) full day's pay for each four (4) full accumulated compensable sick leave days consistent with the following rules:
- Days cashed in during January of each year shall be limited to any compensable days earned the previous calendar year less sick leave days actually used during such period.
- Days cashed in upon death or retirement shall include all compensable days as herein defined which have not previously been cashed in. Retirement shall be determined pursuant to the applicable retirement system. For the purposes of TIAA/CREF, retirement due to age shall not be considered to have occurred before attainment of age fifty-five (55).
- All days earned after July 1, 1981 shall be deemed compensable. Days accumulated or transferred into the district before July 1, 1981 shall be deemed compensable based on one (1) day for each calendar month during which a contractual day was worked. Additional accumulated days shall be retained as non-compensable days.
- Days of sick leave used during the previous calendar year shall be drawn from the days accumulated in the compensation account during that same year. Days taken in excess of the annual accumulation shall be deducted from the auxiliary account, until such time that this account is depleted, following that any further absence shall be taken from the compensation account.
- No combination of circumstances shall result in more than one (1) compensable day being earned per month, or the 180 maximum in effect through spring quarter, 1980, being invalidated.
Bereavement Leave
- Leave up to a maximum of five (5) days per bereavement shall be granted in the event of a death in the administrator's immediate family.
- Leave time to pay last respects to very close deceased friends may be granted for a partial day.
- All approved bereavement leave requests will be deducted from accumulated sick leave balances.
Civil Duty Leave
Leave of absence with pay shall be granted administrators to serve jury duty, as trial
witnesses, or to exercise other subpoenaed civil duties.
Professional Meetings and Conferences Leave
- Administrators may be granted leave for attendance at official institutes, conferences, and/or professional meetings.
- The purpose of such leave must be to add to the professional capabilities in the administrator's field.
- The administrator's regular duties shall not suffer unduly or disproportionately to the benefits anticipated from the leave activity.
Personal Leave
Upon the approval of the president, administrators may be granted limited personal
leave. Terms and conditions of such leave will be specified in the administrator's
individual contract of employment as determined by the president, and such leave is
non-accumulative and non-compensable upon separation from the district.
Discretionary Leave
- The president, vice-president or director of GHEC may authorize discretionary leave for exempt personnel under circumstances in which an employee has taken on an extraordinary assignment(s) which necessitated working an excessive amount of hours for an extended period of time. An employee may be granted up to six full days of discretionary leave within the calendar year.
- Discretionary leave may only be used in full day increments. It will be used before annual leave unless this would result in a loss of accumulated leave beyond 240 hours. Discretionary leave must be used by December 31 of each calendar year or be forfeited. Unused discretionary leave may not be cashed out or transferred to another unit on campus.
- Supporting documentation justifying the request to award discretionary leave must be completed by the appropriate president, vice-president or director of GHEC. Documentation will be in the form of a signed and dated memorandum addressing the nature and the extent of extraordinary circumstances, and the number of days to be granted the employee.
Educational Leave
- Paid - non-accrual:
- Paid educational leave may be granted to exempt employees to attend institutes for the purpose of advanced study or to attend regionally accredited colleges and universities for the purpose of obtaining a first bachelors of arts or sciences, a first masters, a first professional, or first doctorate degree.
- An exempt employee may be granted up to twelve days of paid educational leave per year until degree attainment upon immediate employment with the college.
- An additional twelve days may be granted for those employees who have worked for the college at least two consecutive years and use their annual leave to match the educational leave granted on a day-for-day basis.
- The appropriate vice president must approve educational leave.
- In the case of an executive level employee, the appropriate supervisor must approve educational leave.
- Unpaid:
- Upon approval by the president, leave of absence without pay may be granted any full-time administrator for the purpose of attending an institution of higher learning.
- The application for such leave shall contain a statement of the plan of study and name of the institution the administrator plans to attend.
- Such applications should be filed by April 1 for leave scheduled to start the next academic year.
- Upon being granted such leave, the administrator shall be eligible to maintain State Employees Insurance Board approved insurance programs at the administrator's own expense throughout the leave period.
- Leave of absence without pay extends from the time an employee's leave commences until he/she returns to continuous service.
Personal Leave
A leave without pay for compelling personal reasons may be granted to a full-time
administrator for up to one year upon approval of the college president. Leave of
absence without pay extends from the time an employee's leave commences until he/she
returns to continuous service.
Other Leave without Pay
Leave of absence without pay extends from the time an employee's leave commences until
he/she returns to continuous service. Leave of absence without pay may be allowed
for any of the following reasons:
- Conditions applicable for leave with pay,
- Maternity leave, and
- Leave for government service in the public interest except that administrators shall receive normal pay for military leave of absence taken pursuant to RCW 38.40.060.
[Revised and Approved by: James M. Walton, President, 4/1/14] [Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 7/6/2015]
Number: | 2.350 | Legal Authority: | RCW 49.46.130 |
Title: | Overtime (Administrative Employees) | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 7-6-2015, 1-8-2025 |
Washington has specific salary thresholds for exempting employees from overtime. Eligible administrative employees are entitled to overtime pay in any week when forty work hours are exceeded according to state law.
A part-time schedule is any work schedule less than one FTE (full-time equivalent).
Although a regular and predicted work schedule may be established, a part-time exempt
staff employee in this group will be expected to remain flexible to accommodate the
mission, goals and objectives of the unit.
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 7/6/2015]
Priority: Staff training and development is a high priority for exempt staff of Centralia College. A well-designed consistent program should:
- enhance an employee's knowledge, skills and abilities;
- enhance supervisory and management skills and accountability;
- enhance fiscal management of resources; and
- enhance and expand an employee's capacity for professional growth.
Training and Development defined: Any activity engaged in by an employee whether formal (e.g. lectures, workshops,
conferences) or informal (e.g. books, videos, articles) that addresses the required
training and development objectives as outlined in this section.
Requirements: Exempt employees are expected to complete training and development in the areas listed
below every two years. It is the responsibility of the employee to seek out various
modes of training and provide the College with proof of completion. Proof of completion
must be provided to Human Resources by completing the exempt verification of training
form and providing any necessary attachments as identified on the form.
Core Institutional Training Requirements (minimum of 2 hours every two years):
- Sexual Harassment
- Disability Accommodation
- Civil Rights Discrimination and Harassment
- Washington State Employee Ethics
- Workplace Safety
- Performance Evaluations
- Public Records
- Classified Union Contract
- Hiring Procedures to include reference checking
- Employee discipline
- Diversity
- Conflict Resolution/Communications
- Fiscal Management
- Customer Service
- Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
- Title IX and Violence against Women's Act (VAWA)
Specific Job Skills: Exempt employees must work with their respective manager/supervisor to determine
the appropriate training and development courses related directly to their work. Employees
may count specific job skills credit toward the above mention required training if
they are directly related to the employee's position. Employees are expected to complete
at least 52 hours of specific job skills training every two years.
Staff Trainers: Employees who conduct training in the above listed areas will receive the same amount
of credit as those who participate.
College Fund: Professional development funds are available to all administrative and
exempt employees. Each administrative and exempt employee may request reimbursement
from this fund for attendance at seminars, tuition reimbursement, and applicable professional
development activities.
Unit Fund: Administrative and exempt unit budgets contain allocations for administrative
and exempt personnel and their employee's use for official college business. These
funds may be used for such expenses as are necessary to attend seminars, conferences,
workshops, professional meetings and other professional development related activities.
Amounts available in these budgets vary depending on size of unit and the requirements
of the office. Use of any travel funds is monitored in accordance with Office of Financial
Management regulations by the Business Office. Individual requests for travel are
approved by the appropriate dean, vice president, or the president.
[Reviewed: Human Resources 6/22/2016]
Number: | 2.370 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Retirement Medical Expense Plan for Exempt Employees (VEBA) | Implementation Date: | 8-14-1997 |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 10-21-2014, 11-6-2019 |
Centralia College exempt employees who are eligible to accrue sick leave and who are exempt from RCW 41.06 (the State Civil service law) are eligible to participate in Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) which is a funded Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
VEBA is a benefit plan that reimburses medical care expenses and premiums after retirement based on sick leave accrual and buy out.
Required Employee Agreements:Before funds are deposited in a retiring employee's account, the employee is required to complete a VEBA enrollment form.
Annual Plan Review: In December of each year, Human Resources will consult with exempt Centralia College employees who are eligible for retirement in the coming calendar year regarding continuation of the plan for that year. All exempt employees will be notified of the decision whether or not to continue the medical expense plan. In the event the College's medical expense plan is discontinued, the accounts of former employees who have already retired will remain in effect.
- Students who are employed by Centralia College are exempt from Department of Personnel rules who either:
- Work five hundred sixteen (516) hours or less in any six (6) consecutive months, exclusive of hours worked in a temporary position(s) during the summer and other breaks in the academic year, provided such employment does not:
- Take the place of a classified employee laid off due to lack of funds or lack of work; or
- Fill a position currently or formerly occupied by a classified employee during the current or prior calendar or fiscal year, whichever is longer;
- Are employed in a position directly related to their major field of study to provide training opportunity; or
- Are elected or appointed to a student body office or student organization position such as student officers or student news staff members; or
- Are employed through the state or federal work study programs.
- Are participating in a documented and approved programmed internship that consists of an academic component and work experience.
- No student employee, regardless of funding source, may work five or more months of 70 hours or more compensated employment in a 12-month period. To ensure compliance with this restriction, student employees generally will be restricted to a maximum of 15 or 16 (depending on funding source) hours per week of compensated employment. However, during breaks (when no classes are in session) students may be permitted to work up to a maximum of 30 hours per week. In addition, no person may be employed as a regular college employee while employed as a student employee.
[Reviewed: Human Resources 6/22/2016]
Number: | 2.387 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Substitute Instructors | Implementation Date: | 8-14-1997 |
Contact: | Vice President, Instruction | Revisions: |
4-13-2015, 6-7-2023
The College shall make provisions to maintain instruction in the case of an absence of an instructor over a prolonged period of time. Prolonged absences, or unanticipated absences that may become prolonged, shall be promptly communicated with the faculty chair, dean, and human resources department. Alternative instruction, with consideration of class material, modality, and course subject, requires approval by the dean in collaboration with the faculty chair.
Full-time faculty members shall not be required to substitute as part of their regular assignments, however instructors within the absentee instructor’s department should be given an opportunity to teach the classes for extra pay. Substitute instructors’ contracted assignment should include full-class period instructional responsibility, following the existing course syllabi provided by the original instructor. Payment and outline for substitute activities shall be in accordance with the Faculty Negotiated Agreement, provided such activities are assigned and authorized in advance by the appropriate dean, in collaboration with faculty chair.
Centralia College temporary employees are exempt from the Department of Personnel
rules if:
- The work is performed in the absence of an employee on leave for more than six consecutive months in accordance with WAC 251-19-120(2); or
- Work is performed in less than one thousand fifty hours per twelve calendar months in accordance with WAC 251-04-040(5).
A complete copy of the Temporary Employment procedures is available in the Human Resource
[Reviewed: Human Resources 6/22/2016]
2.400 Classified Employees
Number: | 2.415 | Legal Authority: | RCW 1.16.050, RCW 28B.10.039, Sub Senate Bill 5713 |
Title: | Holidays | Implementation Date: | 11-6-2014 |
Contact: | Vice President, Human Resources | Revisions: | 6-7-2019, 5-1-2024 |
There are 11 paid holidays during the year for permanent employees. They include:
- New Year's Day
- Labor Day
- Martin Luther King's Birthday
- Veterans' Day
- Presidents' Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Native American Heritage Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Christmas Day
- Independence Day
Some days may be changed to accommodate a longer vacation on certain holidays. Employees
must be in pay status on the workday immediately before the holiday in order to be
credited with holiday pay.
Personal Holiday - In addition, classified and exempt employees receive one personal holiday per calendar
year. This holiday may be used at any time during the year with the supervisor's approval.
The personal holiday is non-accumulative and it must be used in the year earned. Classified
employees must be continuously employed for four months before using this holiday.
Faculty workload days are governed by the negotiated agreement.
College employees are entitled to two unpaid holidays per calendar year for reasons of faith or conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. The college must allow an employee to take their unpaid holidays on the specific days desired unless an employee's absence would impose an undue hardship on the college or the employees necessary to maintain public safety. Undue hardship is defined by WAC 82-56-020. Employee seniority will not be impacted by absences authorized under this policy. Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, i.e., the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal. Employees shall consult with their supervisor at least two-weeks in advance of any desired unpaid holiday unless the purpose of the unpaid holiday was not known until later. Employees shall request unpaid holidays following the same procedure as requesting any other leave.
Number: | 2.420 | Legal Authority: | RCW 42.04.060 |
Title: | Business Hours | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 6-22-2016, 1-8-2025 |
Centralia College is open for the transaction of business for a minimum of 40 hours per week, except weeks that include state legal holidays. Regular business hours for offices must be posted on the College’s website and made known by other means designed to provide the public with notice.
Number: | 2.450 | Legal Authority: | RCW 41.04.362 |
Title: | Release Time for Wellness Activities | Implementation Date: | Jan 1994 |
Contact: | Vice President, Human Resources & Equity | Revisions: | 6-22-2016, 5-1-2024 |
Centralia College allows for and supports release time for classified and non-exempt administrative employees of up to one-half hour, to be combined with employee's own one-half hour of their personal time to allow one full hour, three times weekly to engage in physical fitness/wellness activity. Wellness activities must begin and end at the Centralia College campus or satellite site(s) and are not allowed for off-campus programs. Participation in wellness programs or exercise activities cannot displace students. Group activities must be approved in advance. Release time may also include time to attend Wellness Committee sponsored events on the same basis as described above. Part-time, classified employees are allowed to participate in wellness release time on a pro-rata basis.
Number: | 2.465 | Legal Authority: | RCW 41.06.150 |
Title: | Shared Leave | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 11-6-2019 |
Centralia College employees may participate in a Shared Leave Program. This program allows employees to request that leave be donated to a shared leave account to cover extraordinary illnesses and injuries for which such employees have no leave balances to cover. This program further allows employees to donate portions of their annual leave balances to such fellow employees who have been approved for receipt of donated leave.
Any eligible Centralia College employee who is suffering from, or has a relative or household member suffering from, an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment is eligible to receive donated annual leave hours from any other Centralia College employees. This program also has specifications for Approval Process, Donating Annual Leave Hours, Converting Hours Donated to Hours Received, Return of Unused Shared Leave, and Shared Leave Records. Copies of the entire procedure are available in the Human Resource Office.
Number: | 2.470 | Legal Authority: | 28B.50.140 |
Title: | Staff Development and Training | Implementation Date: | 12-6-1994 |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 11-6-2019 |
Centralia College shall provide development and training to:
- Raise the qualifications of employees at all levels of employment;
- Provide training which will result in the cost effective and economic assignment of classified employees for accomplishing institutional goals."
The Classified Training Committee is charged with the responsibility for defining and approving requests for classified employee training opportunities. The committee is composed of three classified staff members that represent each of the administrative areas and the Vice President, Human Resources and Legal Affairs. Guidelines as stated in the Classified Employee Development and Training Program are followed by the committee in approving requests for training funds. Reimbursements for expenses are usually handled on a first come, first served basis.
Release Time
Employees wishing to use release time must comply with this policy:
Employees may enroll in and attend classes during working hours for improving job performance with the approval of their supervisor. The maximum release time (including time released under the Wellness Release Time Policy) allowed per employee per quarter must not exceed five hours per week or 52 hours per Centralia College quarter. Release time is allowed only for classroom participation and not for study, travel, or research. Employees will receive their regular rate of pay while attending approved classes if they are attended during regular working hours. Approval of requests for release time should not be considered to be automatic and will take into consideration the work priorities of the work unit.
Accomplishment of work assigned to the employee must take precedence over approval or use of release time. Employer identified training, that has been identified through employee evaluations and which requires training during normal working hours, may take precedence over employee requested release time.
Supervisor Expectations: Supervisors are expected to monitor all employee release time for education (and wellness) activities to assure that employees are not released from their regular duties for more than five hours per week or 52 hours per Centralia College quarter (or pro-rata share for part-time, employees).
2.500 General
In accordance with RCW 41.06.150 and Washington State Laws of 1989, Centralia College
employees may participate in a Shared Leave Program. This program allows employees
to request that leave be donated to a shared leave account to cover extraordinary
illnesses and injuries for which such employees have no leave balances to cover. This
program further allows employees to donate portions of their annual leave balances
to such fellow employees who have been approved for receipt of donated leave.
Any eligible Centralia College employee who is suffering from, or has a relative or
household member suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment,
or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee
to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment is eligible to receive
donated annual leave hours from any other Centralia College employee. This program
also has specifications for Approval Process, Donating Annual Leave Hours, Converting
Hours Donated to Hours Received, Return of Unused Shared Leave, and Shared Leave Records.
Copies of the entire procedure are available in the Human Resource Office.
[Reviewed: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 06/22/15]
Number: | 2.502 | Legal Authority: | RCW 28A.625.110 |
Title: | Staff Recognition | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Office of Human Resources | Revisions: | 12-6-2016, 2-6-2019, 5-1-2024 |
Centralia College participates in staff recognition through various award programs. Information about the specific award programs can be found in the Human Resources Office or at the HR SharePoint site.
Number: | 2.510 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 43.43.830
Title: | Criminal History Check | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | VP, Human Resources & Equity | Revisions: | 8-19-14, 10-2-2019, 10-2-2024 |
All newly hired non-student employees will be subject to background checks, including criminal history background checks. Student employees, contractors and their employees, and volunteers may also be subject to background checks, including criminal background checks, based on their work location and access to staff and students. Information from the check will not necessarily preclude employment but will be considered. Particular emphasis is placed on checking for convictions as defined in Washington State Law, RCW 43.43.830, “Crimes against children or other persons.”
Number: | 2.515 | Legal Authority: | RCW 41.06.169 |
Title: | Evaluations | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Human Resources, Instruction | Revisions: | 7-6-2015,3-6-2019, 1-8-2025 |
Faculty are evaluated according to the terms of the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement. The process is maintained and administered by the Office of Instruction. The Office of Instruction will maintain a retention procedure for faculty evaluation documents.
Classified employees are evaluated according to the Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Human Resources Office notifies supervisors of evaluation due dates and maintains evaluations in personnel files.
Exempt employees are evaluated every year. The Human Resources Office notifies supervisors of evaluation due dates and maintains evaluations in personnel files.
Number: | 2.520 | Legal Authority: | RCW 41.04.390 |
Title: | Flexible Work Schedule | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | VP Human Resources & Equity | Reviewed: | 8-19-2014, 10-2-2019, 2-2-2022, 3-2-2022 |
The business hours for Centralia College are posted on the Centralia College website.
In order to allow for maximum productivity, supervisors may approve a flexible work hours schedule for employees that is different than the regular operating hours of the College. A flexible work hour schedule refers to alternate working hours which allow employees to vary their arrival and departure times with the approval of the supervisor. Flexible work hours schedules may be for one or more days. Flexible work hours schedules longer than 3 weeks require the approval of the Supervisor.
At times, the supervisor may approve a compressed workweek schedule. This is an alternative work schedule that allows an employee to eliminate at least one workday each week by working longer hours during the remaining days with the approval of the supervisor. Flex days, the days not worked, can be any day of the week and not limited to a Monday or a Friday. Compressed workweek schedules longer than 3 weeks require the approval of the Supervisor.
Flexible work hours schedules, compressed workweek schedules, and flex days must take into consideration the work schedules of the entire department and working unit. The supervisor and the employee are responsible for assuring the alternate schedules do not diminish the College’s ability to meet its obligations or service to students and the public.
Flexible work hours schedules, compressed workweek schedules, and flex days are not an employee entitlement and the agreements may be terminated by the Employee or the College with one week’s notice. Additional rules regarding faculty and classified staff work schedules are determined by the respective Collective Bargaining agreements.
Employees who wish to include teleworking as a part of a flexible schedule, must use the procedures outlined in the Telework Policy 2.521.
- Flexible Work Hours – An alternate schedule which allow employees to vary their arrival and departure times with the approval of the supervisor.
- Compressed Workweek - An alternative work schedule that allows an employee to eliminate at least one workday each week by working longer hours during the remaining days with the approval of the supervisor.
- Flex Day – A day not worked in a compressed workweek schedule.
Number: | 2.521 | Legal Authority: |
RCW 82.70.010 RCW 41.04.390 |
Title: | Telework | Implementation Date: |
Contact: | VP Human Resources & Equity | Reviewed: |
The College allows and supports telework for medical accommodations, special circumstances, and as a means of achieving administrative efficiencies.
Faculty are governed by the procedures outlined in the Negotiated Agreement. Faculty shall refer to their Collective Bargaining Agreement for additional terms related to workloads on/off campus.
Telework requests may be initiated by the Employee or the College. Telework arrangements may be terminated by the Employee or by the College at any time, with one week’s notice.
Telework is available through a mutually agreed upon arrangement between an employee and their supervisor. Telework may be an available option to employees, but it is rare that employees telework for extended periods of time. The approval of telework is based upon sound business and performance management principles.
Telework agreements do not change the conditions of employment, expectations of the position, or required compliance with College policies and procedures. Employees must assure telework locations meet compliance with any safety and health standards outlined in the respective Collective Bargaining agreements.
Situational telework occurs on an irregular basis and is driven by the circumstances, such as a one-day illness or emergency. The employee may be permitted to telework for that day. This is approved by the supervisor on a case-by-case basis, is not longer than three days, and is not repeated on a regular basis.
Out-of-state telework may be approved for extenuating circumstances. Employees are responsible for accurately reporting their address in the ctcLink. Additional taxes, deductions, and labor laws may be applicable, depending on the state where the work is performed.
An employee may appeal a telework decision to the respective Vice President via email within 10 days of receiving the telework decision from the supervisor. The Vice President will review the employee’s request and the supervisor’s telework suitability assessment. The Vice President will render the appeal decision via email within 10 days. The Vice President’s appeal decision is final.
Policy Definitions
Telework: Functions that are normally performed at a traditional workplace are performed at an alternate worksite such as a private residence or other location that is not on the campus. Telework agreements must have the approval of the supervisor and vice president.
Situational Telework: Telework that is performed on an occasional or irregular basis that is driven by the situation, such as a one-day emergency that prevents the employee from reporting to their official duty station. This is approved by the supervisor on a case-by-case basis, is not longer than three days, and is not repeated on a regular basis.
Out-of-State Telework: Employees who telework for the College and live in another state and/or work for the College is performed from another state.
Flexible Schedule: Flex schedules are alternate working hours which allow employees to vary their arrival and departure times, with the approval of their supervisor. Flexible schedules may be for one or more days. Flexible schedules longer than 3 weeks require the approval of the supervisor and vice president.
Administrative Efficiencies: Alternate management practices determined by the administration to maintain efficiencies and sustainability, which may include, but are not limited to telework and flexible schedules.
See Also
Chapter 1 College Policies: 1.040 Change of Name and/or Address, 1.090 Electronic Signature Policy, 1.200 Official Duty Station, 1.185 Use of Mobile Device Management; and 2.520 Flexible Hours
Number: | 2.530 | Legal Authority: | Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 |
Title: | Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 | Implementation Date: | 1986 |
Contact: | VP Human Resources | Reviewed: | 8-19-2014, 10-2-2019 |
In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, proof of authorization to work in the United States will be required at the time of hire. The Act requires specific documentation requirements for employers.
Number: | 2.540 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Key Authorization | Implementation Date: | |
Contact: | Facilities, Operations, & Maintenance | Reviewed: | 11-24-2014, 3-3-2023 |
Employees may obtain keys to their classrooms and/or offices. All keys and key cards are authorized by the appropriate supervisor and/or Vice President and are issued by and returned to the Facilities, Operations and Maintenance Office at the conclusion of employment. Security concerns warrant a strict and limited issuance of keys for special purpose or part-time use.
Number: | 2.550 | Legal Authority: | |
Title: | Personnel Files | Implementation Date: | 9-21-2000 |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 8-19-2014, 4-3-2019 |
Copies of materials in official personnel files shall be confidential and shall be
restricted for use to administrative requirements or when otherwise required by law.
Excluding confidential College placement files and confidential recommendations from
previous employers, employees, or their designee, shall have access to all materials
in their personnel files during normal business hours. An employee shall be notified
of any request either oral or written for access to their personnel file except as
excluded above.
Material that might adversely affect employment may be placed in the personnel file
only after allowing the employee to read the material and append to it answers to
any charges, complaints, or statements involved. The employee shall then sign the
material, but such signature shall not necessarily imply agreement with the statements
contained therein.
Each employee will have only one official personnel file, this being the one kept in the personnel office.
Number: | 2.560 | Legal Authority: | WAC 162-22, RCW 49.60 |
Title: | Reasonable Accommodations | Implementation Date: | 1990 |
Contact: | Human Resources Office | Revisions: | 8-27-14, 5-1-2019 |
Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation in all aspects of employment with the College including but not limited to: application; recruitment; selection/ hiring; promotion; testing; medical examinations; layoff/recall; assignments; termination; evaluation; compensation; disciplinary actions; leave; training; the terms, conditions and benefits of employment including insurance benefits; and employer supported activities.
The process for requesting reasonable accommodations is maintained in the Human Resources Office.
- Americans with Disabilities or Persons of Disability Act of 1990
- ADA Amendments Act of 2008
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Campus contact: Vice President for Finance and Administration
Eligibility - All permanent employees will be eligible for retired employee privileges
upon official retirement from Centralia College as recognized by the Department of
Retirement Services.
Retired Employee Privileges:
- Full employee privileges in the use of the library.
- Use of the campus address and a shared box in the mailroom for College related business.
- Full employee privileges for admission to campus events.
- Inclusion on the mailing list and other College publications.
- Eligibility for participation on appropriate College committees.
- Parking privileges as defined in the parking regulations.
- Institutional support for College projects as approved by the appropriate vice president.
[Reviewed and Approved: Dr. Robert Frost, President, 11/24/2014]