Daily Crime & Fire Logs

The Daily Crime and Fire Logs contain the information entered by Centralia College Safety and Security Personnel. Also included in the Daily Crime and Fire Log is a brief summary of the incident.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report required by the Clery Act contains Clery Act defined crimes which occurred on four Clery Act prescribed geographical locations, but does not include all incidents reported in the Daily Crime and Fire Logs. The Daily Crime and Fire Log captures all incidents, both on and off campus, which are reported to the Western Washington Merchant Patrol and Centralia College Campus Safety and Security.

The Daily Crime and Fire Logs include the incident/fire type, date the incident/fire is reported, date and time of occurrence, and general location of each reported incident type as well as the disposition of each incident, if this information is known. Campus Safety and Security posts specific incidents in the Daily Crime and Fire Logs within two (2) business days of receiving a report of an incident.

This crime log is updated during business hours, and contains information regarding the most recent 60 days of crimes reported. All crime logs are kept for 7 years following the publication of the Annual Security Report to which they apply.

Please note that if a date has been omitted in the log, there were no criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents or fires reported to Campus Safety Services on that date.


360-623-8888 Reporting Line