About Centralia

At any time, the Centralia College Foundation is actively raising funds for specific projects. These may include projects that are over and above the Foundation's commitment to supporting scholarships.

Questions? If you have any questions about any of the projects below, give the Foundation a call at 360-623-8942 or stop by the Foundation Office. We'd be happy to provide additional details or assist you in choosing a target for your donation.

swft center

Southwest Washington Flexible Training (SWFT) Center

The Foundation received a $1.3 million TransAlta Coal Transitions Grant to construct an approximately 12,000 square foot flexible use building. This facility will be available for training programs for local industry, trade associations, community groups, K-12 education, and Centralia College programs. 



The CCFoundation accepts scholarship applications from March 1-April 15 for the following academic year starting fall quarter. All students are encouraged to apply. In fall 2023, the Centralia College Foundation awarded $528,400 in scholarships to more than 400 Centralia College students.

ged scholarships

Eric M. Shriver Memorial GED Scholarship

This scholarship covers the associated testing fees for the General Education Diploma (GED). The application is simple and open to students preparing to take the GED test at Centralia College. CCF's goal is to offer a scholarship to every student who applies, and to fund this scholarship in perpetuity for future students.

george gablehouse

George Gablehouse Sports Scholarship

George Gablehouse was athletic director from 1957-78 and was an active supporter of Centralia College athletics. He was involved in the selection committee for the Sports Hall of Fame. Students who were impacted by George have created an endowment in his name that funds a sports scholarship each year. We are seeking additional funds to assist more student-athletes with their education.


Foundation Publications

The Centralia College Foundation's publications include the Annual Report to the Community, quarterly newsletter, and award brochures, such as the Distinguished Alumni and Exceptional Faculty brochures.

foundation awards

Foundation Awards

Every year, the foundation honors alumni, faculty, and staff who make a difference for Centralia College students


Centralia College Foundation
600 Centralia College Blvd
Centralia, WA 98531-4099