Pay Tuition & Fees

Centralia College makes paying tuition and fees easy with a lot of payment options. 

Tuition Due Date

Spring quarter tuition is due no later than Monday, March 25.

Ways to Pay

Questions? Email the to have any payment questions answered.

You can pay your tuition and fees through your ctcLink account.

Login to ctcLink

If a student pays by mail, the payment must be RECEIVED no later than the tuition due date.

Send payment by check, money order, or credit card (include full account number, expiration date, and last 3-digit reference code on back of card), along with your Student ID number to:

Centralia College
Attn: Cashier's Office
600 Centralia College Blvd
Centralia WA 98531-4099

Call the Cashier's Office during business hours with debit or credit card information.

Cashier's Office
TransAlta Commons, second floor
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday (closed Fridays in the summer)

Drops for Non-Payment

  • Students will be dropped from classes for non-payment after 12 p.m. (noon) on Monday, March 25, 2024.
  • Students who are dropped for non-payment will not be able to re-enroll in classes until they have a guaranteed funding source.

Tuition Holds

If you are expecting financial aid, scholarships, Workforce Funding, veterans benefits, or money from another agency, please follow these steps to verify there is a TUITION HOLD on your ctcLink account called Prevent Enrollment Cancel or Tuition Deferred-Possible Financial Aid. 

Note for Financial Aid applicants: If you submitted all required financial aid forms before the priority deadline (March 1) and you are eligible for funding, then your classes will be held. If you turned in documentation after the March 1 deadline, you will need to pay your tuition or sign up for a payment plan while
Financial Aid continues to review your file.

Login to ctcLink:

From the ctcLink Student Homepage, click the "Tasks" tile:

tasks tile

The Tasks page opens > "Prevent Enrollment Cancel" or “Tuition Deferred-Possible Financial Aid” is displayed on the screen > click to expand the row: 


View the Hold Details message:
Our records indicate that you have pending funding to pay all or part of your tuition/fees. Your classes are being held until the funds can be applied. If there is a balance due after funding is applied it is your responsibility to pay. If you are no longer eligible to receive these funds you must pay your tuition/fees immediately. If you have a change in your enrollment or are not attending, please notify the Business Office at 360-623-8646.

hold message

If you DO NOT have a Prevent Enrollment Cancel or Tuition Deferred-Possible Financial Aid hold on your account, please contact the office or department that manages your funding.

Payment Assistance Options

Students who are unable to pay full tuition have the option to enroll in a quarterly tuition payment plan. This interest-free monthly payment plan is offered by Centralia College and can be accessed the student's ctcLink account.  

For more information, please contact the Centralia College Cashier’s Office at 360-623-8931 or 360-623-8646.  

NOTE: Running Start students, students who owe less than $250, and students taking classes that do not start and end with regular quarter dates are not eligible to participate in the payment plan.

If you need additional help paying your tuition or fees, please be sure to apply for Financial Aid, even if you do not think you will qualify. Completing a FAFSA or WASFA opens doors to other funding sources, including emergency grant funding.

Financial Aid

TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor

Contact the college's Workforce Funding Department to see if you are eligible to receive grant money that may cover your tuition, books, and other college-related expenses

Workforce Funding

  • Worker Retraining
  • Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)
  • WorkFirst
  • Opportunity Grant
Transitional Services Building, Room 101

Tuition assistance is available for eligible veterans, dependents, and active duty service members. 

     Veterans Services
     (located in Enrollment Services)
     TransAlta Commons Building, Second Floor 
     Email Kathy Tukes

The federal Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the college from releasing academic records without a student's written permission. Academic records may include the amount you owe in tuition, your Student ID number, scholarship information, or transcripts. If someone is paying your tuition, you must take one of the following steps:

  1. Give the college written permission to release your records and place on file with the Admissions and Records Office.
  2. Provide your student ID number and the exact tuition you owe to the person who is paying your tuition. This information is required in order to process your tuition payment.

Contact the Cashier's Office

TransAlta Commons, Second Floor