Emergency Grants

Limited funds are available to students experiencing unexpected, temporary financial hardships.

2024-25 Emergency Grants

Funding for fall quarter has been exhausted. Please continue to submit an application to be connected to other resources.

Emergency Grants are available to students who experience a financial emergency or unanticipated expense that causes financial hardship. Ultimately, the goal is to cover expenses that affect a student’s ability to stay in college and complete their education. The grants are temporary, short-term financial assistance. For questions about the Emergency Grant, email Graziela Gonzalez or call 360-623-8709. Review the Frequently Asked Questions below for information about the grants.

Need additional help? Download the Lewis County Resource Guide (pdf) and consider meeting withCC's Emergency Grant Outreach Specialist, Graziela Gonzalez. She may be able to connect you to other local resources and assist you with applying for additional help. Email Graziela Gonzalez or call 360-623-8709.

Food Insecurity Credits

Centralia College understands that managing food expenses can be tough while focusing on your studies. This credit is designed to ease your burden and help you enjoy nutritious meals on campus. CC is now offering $50 credits to students experiencing food insecurity. Any student enrolled in classes who is experiencing food insecurity is eligible to apply. Credits are limited each quarter and awarded on a first come, first served basis.

Emergency Grant Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency Grants are available to any currently enrolled student experiencing a one-time emergency that impacts their ability to continue or complete their education.

There is a simple online form to apply for an Emergency Grant. You will be asked to provide information about your emergency expense. If you applied for funds in previous quarters, you must submit a new application.

After submitting an application, you will receive an email confirming your application and connecting you to some initial resources. Then, the Emergency Grant Outreach Specialist will be reaching out to you individually to address any needs.

Please note: Funds are limited. Early application is advised. Processing time will depend on the number of applications submitted.

Funds are limited to $1,500. Priority will be given to students who did not receive an emergency grant in the previous year.

Emergency Grants are for students experiencing a financial emergency or unanticipated expense. Students applying for an Emergency Grant must provide details of their emergency expenses. Emergency Grants cannot be used to pay tuition.

The Emergency Grant staff will work with you on a case-by-case basis to address any unmet needs. Campus resources include, but are not limited to: Financial Aid, Opportunity Grant, scholarships, student employment, the campus Food Pantry (located in TAC 137), Workforce Training services. Email Graziela Gonzalez or call 360-623-8709.

If you are enrolled in one of CC's career and technical education programs, there are a number of funding programs that may pay for tuition, fees, and other related expenses, including books and fees, supplies, transportation, and child care. Connect with Workforce Funding for more information.

You must be enrolled in at least one Centralia College class.

Emergency Grants are awarded based on need and are coordinated with other financial aid.

Contact Blazer Central

TransAlta Commons, Room 339
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday
8 a.m.-12 p.m. Friday